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Schedule for ISBI 2024

Time Session Speaker Comments
0900 - 0905 Environment Setup Hasan/Sarthak Codespaces should make this possible.
0905 - 1000 Introduction to Federated Learning for Healthcare Spyros/Walter 45 min talk + Q&A
1000 - 1030 Introduction to Model Design using GaNDLF Sarthak 25 min talk + Q&A
1030 - 1100 Break and Questions related to Environment Setup N.A. Light refreshments available near session rooms
1100 - 1120 Introduction to Model Optimization Siddhesh 20 min talk + Q&A
1120 - 1140 Hands on with Model Optimization Siddhesh Lecture + demo using slides & Codespaces
1140 - 1230 Federated Learning using OpenFL Federated Evaluation using MedPerf Hasan Demo using slides & Codespaces
1230 - 1400 Lunch break N.A. On your own
1400 - onwards Open discussion with organizers N.A. N.A.