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To run this tutorial, you need a machine with the following requirements:

  • Internet access.
  • Web browser (to connect to codespaces).

Open in GitHub Codespaces

Part 1: Federated Training

Training Setup with MedPerf (Model Owner)

medperf auth login -e

Define the data preparation MLCube

  • Prepare the data preparation pipeline logic that will transform the raw clinical data into AI-ready data. This will be an MLCube

Register the MLCube

medperf mlcube submit -n prep \

Define the training MLCube

  • Prepare the training logic using OpenFL and GaNDLF

Register the Training MLCube

medperf mlcube submit -n traincube \
    -m \
    -p \

Register the Training Experiment

medperf training submit -n trainexp -d trainexp -p 1 -m 2

The server admin should approve the experiment. Run:


Aggregator Setup with MedPerf (Aggregator Owner)

medperf auth login -e

register aggregator

find hostname:

# This works for codespaces machine setup, for internal hostname.
# Other machine setup may need another command.
hostname -A | cut -d " " -f 1
medperf aggregator submit -n aggreg -a <hostname_found> -p 50273

Associate the aggregator with the experiment

medperf aggregator associate -a 1 -t 1

Data preparation (Training Data Owner)

medperf auth login -e

Process your data using the data prep mlcube

medperf dataset create -p 1 -d datasets/col1 -l datasets/col1 --name col1 --description col1data --location col1location

Register your dataset

find Hash:

medperf dataset ls
medperf dataset submit -d <hash_found>

Request participation in the training experiment

medperf training associate_dataset -t 1 -d 1

Redo the same with collaborator 2


Accepting Training Participation (Model Owner)

medperf auth login -e

Accept participation requests

medperf training approve_association -t 1 -a 1
medperf training approve_association -t 1 -d 1
medperf training approve_association -t 1 -d 2

Lock the experiment

medperf training lock -t 1

Run the Aggregator (Aggregator Owner)

medperf auth login -e
medperf aggregator start -a 1 -t 1

(Now move to another terminal)

Run Training (Training Data Owner)

First collaborator:

medperf auth login -e
medperf training run -d 1 -t 1

(Now move to another terminal)

Second collaborator:

medperf auth login -e
medperf training run -d 2 -t 1

Part 2: Federated Evaluation

Inference Setup with MedPerf (Benchmark Owner)

medperf auth login -e

Register a reference model

medperf mlcube submit -n refmodel \

Register the metrics MLCube

  • Prepare the metrics calculation logic that will be used for the evaluation and the benchmarking of multiple trained models on unseen data.
medperf mlcube submit -n metrics \
    -m \

Register the benchmark

medperf benchmark submit --name pathmnistbmk --description pathmnistbmk \
    --demo-url \
    -p 1 -m 3 -e 4

The server admin should approve the benchmark. Run:


Participate as a model owner (Model Owner)

medperf auth login -e

Register your model

  • Export the trained model to an MLCube using GaNDLF
medperf mlcube submit -n trained \

Request participation in the benchmark

medperf mlcube associate -b 1 -m 5 -y

Participate as a data owner (Inference data Owner)

medperf auth login -e

Process data using the data prep mlcube

medperf dataset create -p 1 -d datasets/test -l datasets/test --name testdata --description testdata --location testdata

Register the dataset

find Hash:

medperf dataset ls
medperf dataset submit -d <hash_found>

Request participation

medperf dataset associate -b 1 -d 3 -y

Accepting Inference Participation (Benchmark Owner)

medperf auth login -e

Accept inference participation requests (from the model owners and data owners)

medperf association approve -b 1 -m 5
medperf association approve -b 1 -d 3

Run Inference (Inference Data Owner)

medperf auth login -e

Start benchmark execution

  • models associated with the benchmark, including the reference model, will be executed on the data
medperf benchmark run -b 1 -d 3

Submit inference results

medperf result submit -r b1m5d3 -y
medperf result submit -r b1m3d3 -y

Result collection (Benchmark Owner)

medperf auth login -e

Pull and view inference results from the medperf server

medperf result view -b 1

Part 3: Deep Learning Optimization with OpenVINO

  • After launching this repo in Codespaces, In VS CODE, open openvino_optimization/113-image-classification-quantization/113-image-classification-quantization.ipynb
  • Click on Select Kernel near top-right.
  • A prompt appears, Click on Install/Enable suggested extensions Python + Jupyter
  • Wait for a moment to complete installation..
  • A prompt appears, Click on Python Environments... and then Select Python 3.9.18 /bin/python3.9
  • Follow the instructions in the notebook..